Sunday, January 16, 2011


   I have just started playing Teemo in league of legends. I love the poison and the mushrooms so much. Just every place you could think of hiding in has a mushroom. I feel so cheeky when I play him. If anyone has tips or link to good builds that would help.


  1. Teemo's a cheeky fucker. Did you read his Bio? Its actually pretty interesting.

    Here is the build I usually use; though, sometimes I replace one or two of the items depending on how my game is going.

    Good luck!

  2. He is quite good! The ones I usually play with are, Olaf, Kayle or Garen and usually one of the radnom week heroes :) but those are the ones I bought

    I ain't got any tips on him since I actually never played him. Search around on mobafire :)

  3. Sounds like a class/character I would enjoy if I played LEague of friends love this game though.

  4. Sounds like a fun game, what do i need to know about it?

  5. teemo is the bane of my painful existence in the league of legends. he is the thorn in my side. the poison mushroom in my basket, if you will.

    by the way, LoL blew up my fuc king 500 dollar graphics card. yay. it says lifetime warranty, im not holding my breath.

  6. @Vapor

    Its like Dota, if you played that.

    If you are pro with game genres, its basically an Real Time Strategy Tower Defense Role playing game. a RTSTDRPG if you will. lol.

    just google some videos, way too hard to explain. there are many champions to choose from, so there is a lot of replayability. thats all i really care about : /

  7. Well if you play Teemo purely on AP he is a cuntpounder deluxe. Nothing to mess with

  8. LOL is good game but HON is better :P

  9. Teemo is awesome. Like his atack speed.

  10. +1 on Pure AP Teemo you can wipe everything with him follow me back if you got time maybe we can play together someday? .3

  11. I can't stand playing teemo just not my style, mordekaiser on the other hand though...
    I do love having a teemo on my team though

  12. poison and mushrooms O_O

    sounds dangerous

  13. God damn it wasn't you who killed me this evening was it! :P

    I play Tyrendimir usually, and still can't spell his name right, early game I am meh but with a fully build late game them omnomnom.

    Send me a message at my blog (in profile) and would love to play with you someday!
